We're fans of disciplined processes, that's the only way we manage to take up a ton of projects every year and deliver them successfully. So, what's our process? Simple.

First, drop us an email @ inquiries@lowfundwala.com. We’re a bit old-school when it comes to introductions, we love setting context before having a phone conversation. Tell us what you’re working on and what your resource constraints are, and we’ll take it from there.

We’ll write back to you quicker than you can you can say Covfefe. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration. Maybe ten covfefes. We’ll have some questions, and so will you. Once we know each other, we can get things started.

What’s the Lowfundwala Menu?

We’re a bouquet ideas-cum-production studio, which means we’ve got all the means necessary to handle your project from start to finish.

  1. The Ingredients and master-plan: We start by getting under the skin of the brand we’re working with and internalise their communication goals. We’re a research-heavy agency, and don’t leave creative ideas to chance. Once we know what you want, and how those goals coincide with your audience’s desires and interests, we craft a concept. We back this up with treatment notes and visual decks for you to understand the vision. Our PPM decks are a ton of fun to read. Sawaal!

  2. The Cooking: Once we’re in the “Kitchen”, we hire only the best chefs and sous chefs - Our directors, ADs, Producers and technicians are cherry-picked talent whom we’ve come to love and trust. Their awards speak for them. You’ll love them too. And once we’ve onboarded our crew, we hire only the best equipment to make your ad-film. Just like they do in the movies.

  3. Garnishing the goods: Presentation is everything! We don’t leave anything to luck. Our post-production supervisor will work closely with our director and your team to ensure that the best possible output is delivered to you, using high-end post-production software and hardware and a super-talented online and offline edit team.

Want to get started? EMAIL US! It saves everyone the embarrassment of answering the phone in a meeting - or whilst answering nature’s call.


Q: What kind of videos do you make?

A: From product videos to CSR films, from corporate films to TVCs, we’ve done it all. Humour and emotional stories are our forte.

Q: What kind of clients do you prefer?

A: While clients with the moolah are always great, we especially love working with brands with a deep conviction in their work. Brands that are truly looking to change the world are our kind of brands. Oh, and of course, brands that have had films made before. They get it.

Q: If I work with you, does my video have to be of a particular type?

A: Hell no! We’re serial experimenters, and we’re just dying to create something new every day. If you’ve got a challenge for us, we’ve got a team to do it!

Q: Why do people come to you?

A: We’re accessible, we REALLY care about brands and advertising in general, and we’re here to make a mark. And we have really cool business cards. Mostly that.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: We’ve been in the business of ideas for the past 5 years now, executed close to 500 brand films, and the journey’s been one of immense learning. Our most important lesson - good ideas need good resources. We’ve executed some of our best films on budgets of around INR 15 Lakh, though we also work on commercials around 10,00,000 INR. 

Q: Do you take up assignments from agencies as well?

A: Some of our favorite collaborations have been with agencies. We’re discreet about these associations, and we love working with agencies that can afford us enough freedom to understand the brand’s vision and goals closely.

Q: Do you do animated explainers?

A: We're primarily a film studio, but we do have in-house animation and graphics capability. For the right kind of client and the right kind of story, we'd do an animated explainer, though we LOVE working on mix-media videos (Live-action + overlaid graphics).

Q: What else?

A: You tell us. We're at inquiries@lowfundwala.com